Marketing your mediation services can be challenging for several reasons. The primary being you, as a mediator, are often dependent on referrals from attorneys rather than those in dispute.
Think about it, most businesses are promoted directly to their prospective client, whereas mediators do not. Their marketing efforts should be targeted less towards parties in conflict and more towards the folks that refer the matters.
Gaining the trust of and establishing a relationship with these referral sources is something that takes time. Be consistent with your message and let them know you’re an authority on your topic(s).
This is not the case however, for “Out of Market” commercial disputes where one party may be “out of state” and lack referral sources. And certainly not the case for Pro Se Domestic Mediation, where those in marital disputes are aware of Mediation as a solution and seek help on their own. Due diligence searches are the only option in these situations.
We specialize in ADR marketing and show you how to find your place online.